Notre-Dame de Paris
Notre-Dame de Paris
Delivery date
Landscape designer
Bureau Bas Smets
Heritage architect
Neufville Gayet Architectes
Lighting design
les éclaireurs
Competition date
GRAU Architectes
Technical studies
The Ile de la Cité is the cradle of the city of Paris. It is here that the city was invented through urban forms that have not ceased to develop since then. For 800 years, Notre-Dame has been the privileged witness of the city’s transformation. Rethinking its surroundings means first of all questioning which public spaces for the city of tomorrow. Particular attention has been paid to minimizing the impact on the Seine’s “dark corridor” and reducing light pollution, while ensuring no glare for users and preserving the vibrant texture of the white stone façade. The entire forecourt will complement the enhancement of the cathedral, creating a setting that blends shaded trees with new circulation paths.
Notre-Dame surrounding redevelopment